Lectio, life, and thoughts that come to my mind.

Tag Jesus

Watching John Wick before Holy Week

After years of “exile” from the cinema, I got to watch in a movie house again thanks to some generous friends ;). I wouldn’t have guessed the first film I’d see would be John Wick 4 as I’m not fond… Continue Reading →


Nothing like the Parables of the Seed (and the Trees and the Fields), usher me into Ordinary Time! With its agricultural mood, I can almost see the vastness of foliage, smell the freshness of the grass, and feel the simplicity… Continue Reading →


Are we not constantly in the disposition of waiting? During the course of a day, waiting for the water to boil, waiting for people’s replies, waiting for a ride. In a lifetime, waiting to begin, waiting to figure out things,… Continue Reading →

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