Lectio, life, and thoughts that come to my mind.

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Watching John Wick before Holy Week

After years of “exile” from the cinema, I got to watch in a movie house again thanks to some generous friends ;). I wouldn’t have guessed the first film I’d see would be John Wick 4 as I’m not fond… Continue Reading →

Lenten Fast and Jeepney Rides

I discovered something I could fast from this Lent: Maxim rides. The dawn of habal-habal apps has truly been one of the better things that happened to commuters like me. Motorbikes may be a traffic soar but to ordinary citizens… Continue Reading →

Season of Darkness

There are different seasons of life. We may be in a season of beginnings or challenges or transitions. And sometimes we are in the season of darkness. It is a period of time that is not at all easy to… Continue Reading →

The Heroism of Men

“Joseph, her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.” – Mt. 1, 19 A man’s heart has an immense capacity to love, manifested in his strength, courage, and… Continue Reading →

The Glory of all His Faithful

Reflection on Today’s Scripture Readings Our Father displays His great love for us so plainly in the readings of today. In the Gospel (Lk 6, 12-19), He calls each of the apostles by name. The Father knows us so personally… Continue Reading →

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